New Titles in Theology, January 2024

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The highlight this month is a book by Sister Maureena Fritz who taught in USMC’s Jerusalem programme for many years:

[ebook] Redeeming Jesus’ Name: Reflections of a Ninety-Year-Old Nun Living in Jerusalem / Maureena Fritz [USMC faculty]


[ebook] The World’s Wisdom: Sacred Texts of the World’s Religions / edited by Philip Novak

[ebook] What Has Religion Studies in Africa Been Up To?: Relevant Themes and Topics / edited by Jaco Beyers


[ebook] Women and Monastic Reform in the Medieval West, c. 1000-1500: Debating Identities, Creating Communities / edited by Julie Hotchin and Jirki Thibaut

[print] The Jesuit Ethos: A Social and Spiritual History / Jean Luc Enyegue

[ebook] Justice on the Cross: Palestinian Liberation Theology, the Struggle against Israeli Oppression, and the Church / Kathleen Christison

[ebook] In the Eye of the Storm: Middle Eastern Christians in the Twenty-First Century / edited by Mitri Raheb

[print] Who Believes Is Not Alone: My Life Beside Benedict XVI / Georg Gänswein

[print] El Verdadero Francisco: intimidad, psicología, grandezas, secretos y dudas del Papa argentino / Omar Bello [about Pope Francis]

[ebook] The Church’s Unholy War: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and Orthodoxy / Nicholas Denysenko

[ebook] Holy Russia? Holy War?: Why the Russian Church Is Backing Putin against Ukraine / Katherine Kelaidis


[ebook] The Ancient Mediterranean Social World: A Sourcebook / edited by Zeba A. Crook

[ebook] That I May Dwell among Them: Incarnation and Atonement in the Tabernacle Narrative / Gary A. Anderson

[ebook] The Message of Psalms 1-72: Songs for the People of God / Michael Wilcock (The Bible Speaks Today)

[ebook] Class Struggle in the New Testament / edited by Robert J. Myles

[ebook] Excavating the Land of Jesus: How Archaeologists Study the People of the Gospels / James Riley Strange

[ebook] Eve Was Named an Apostle: Nuptiality and Mariological Development in John and Hippolytus / Daniel R. Schneider

[ebook] 1 Timothy: A Pastoral and Contextual Commentary / Paul Trebilco, Simon H. Rae, and Deolito Vistar (Asia Bible Commentary)


[ebook] Faith Seeking Understanding: An Introduction to Christian Theology / Daniel L. Migliore, 4th edition

[ebook] Handbook of Catholic Dogmatics, Book Three / Matthias Joseph Scheeben

[ebook] Trinitarian Pneumatological Personhood and the Theology of John Zizioulas / Ronald L. Adkins, II

[ebook] Eucharistic Church, Eucharistic Formation / edited by Own F. Cummings and Mark Nussberger

[ebook] The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church / Romanus Cessario

[print] Answering Orthodoxy: A Catholic Response to Attacks from the East / Michael Lofton

[print] A Voice for Our Time: Radio Liberty Talks / Alexander Schmemann [Orthodox theologian]

[print] De toutes les nations: Pour la catholicité des Églises / Groupe des Dombes

[ebook] Atonement: Soundings in Biblical, Trinitarian, and Spiritual Theology / Margaret M. Turek [John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Norbert Hoffmann]

[ebook] For the Love of Mary / Daniel-Maria Klimek

[ebook] Emerging Theologies from the Global South / edited by Mitri Raheb and Mark A. Lamport [Catholic Liberation, Latina Feminist, Filipino, North American Indigenous, and many more]

[ebook] This Earthly Life Matters: The Promise of Arnold A. Van Ruler for Ecotheology / edited by Ernst M. Conradie

[ebook] Philosophical Theology and the Knowledge of Persons / Eleonore Stump

[ebook] Now and Forever: A Theological Aesthetics of Time / John E. Thiel

[ebook] Explorations in Twentieth-Century Theology and Philosophy: People Preoccupied with God / Ann Loades [C.S. Lewis, Simone Weil, Dorothy Sayers, Evelyn Underhill, and others]

[ebook] The Tyranny of the Banal: On the Renewal of Catholic Moral Theology / David Deane


[ebook] How Not to Say Mass: A Guidebook on Liturgical Principles and the Roman Missal / Dennis C. Smolarski, 3rd edition [Jesuit author]

[print] Lost in Translation: Meditating on the Orations of the Traditional Roman Rite / Michael P. Foley

[ebook] This Is the Day that the Lord Has Made: The Liturgical Year in Orthodoxy / Nicholas Denysenko

[ebook] Just Marriage / Andrew Kim [how to avoid destructive marriages by engaging in just conflict]

[ebook] Daughters of Wisdom: Women and Leadership in the Global Church / edited by Ahida Calderón Pilarski (Studies in World Catholicism, 12)

[ebook] Creating Spaces for Women in the Catholic Church / edited by Sarah Kohles

[ebook] Cross-Cultural Missional Partnership: Mediating Relational, Cultural, and Hermeneutical Tensions for Mutual, Faithful Missional Engagement / Joshua Bowman

[ebook] The Augustine Way: Retrieving a Vision for the Church’s Apologetic Witness / Joshua D. Chatraw and Mark D. Allen [Christian witnessing today]


[ebook] Shbītho: Monastic Prayers from the Syriac Tradition / translated by Dominique Sirgy

[ebook] The Philokalia: The Complete Text, volume 1 / compiled by Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain and Makarios of Corinth ; edited by G. E. H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard, and Kallistos Ware

[ebook] The Philokalia: The Complete Text, volume 2 / compiled by Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain and Makarios of Corinth ; edited by G. E. H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard, and Kallistos Ware

[ebook] The Philokalia: The Complete Text, volume 3 / compiled by Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain and Makarios of Corinth ; edited by G. E. H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard, and Kallistos Ware

[ebook] The Philokalia: The Complete Text, volume 4 / compiled by Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain and Makarios of Corinth ; edited by G. E. H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard, and Kallistos Ware

[ebook] The Philokalia: The Complete Text, volume 5 / compiled by Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain and Makarios of Corinth ; edited by G. E. H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard, and Kallistos Ware

[ebook] Julian of Norwich’s Literary Legacy: A Handbook / Luke Penkett

[ebook] Medieval Female Mysticism and Weber’s Charismatic Authority: The Case of Angela of Foligno / Gabriella Turai

[ebook] Caryll Houselander: A Biography / Mary Frances Coady

[ebook] Finding Freedom in Constraint: Reimagining Spiritual Disciplines as a Communal Way of Life / Jared Patrick Boyd

[ebook] Under the Rule of Christ: Dimensions of Baptist Spirituality / edited by Paul S. Fiddes (Regent’s Study Guides, 14)


[ebook] Patrick: From Patron Saint to Modern Influencer / Alannah Hopkin, 2nd edition

[ebook] Francis of Assisi: His Life, Vision and Companions / Michael F. Cusato

[print] Il santo moro: I processi di canonizzazione di Benedetto da Palermo (1594-1807) / Giovanna Fiume [canonization of Saint Benedict the Moor, son of African slaves in Sicily]

[ebook] Shreveport Martyr Father Louis Gergaud: In His Own Words / Peter B. Mangum, William Ryan Smith, and Cheryl H. White [United States martyr of charity]

[ebook] Charles de Foucauld / Jean-Jacques Antier

[ebook] Christian Hermit in an Islamic World: A Muslim’s View of Charles de Foucauld / Ali Merad


[ebook] Racism and Structural Sin: Confronting Injustice with the Eyes of Faith / Conor M. Kelly

[ebook] Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs / Josh Hawley

[DVD] A.rtificial I.mmortality [technological advancements and the human mind/person]


[ebook] Thomas Shields and the Renewal of Catholic Education / Leonardo Franchi

[ebook] Catholic Higher Education and Catholic Social Thought / edited by Bernard G. Pruzak and Jennifer Reed-Bouley


[print] Another Fifty Catholic Churches to See Before You Die: And Many More Worth a Detour / Elena Curti

[ebook] Andrey Rublev: The Artist and His World / Robin Millner-Gulland

[ebook] Jan Van Eyck within His Art / Alfred Acres


[ebook] The Divine Comedy / Dante Aligheri ; translated by John Ciardi

[print] La Divina Commedia / Dante Alighieri ; illustrations by Federico Zuccari

[print] Inferno / Dante Alighieri ; illustrations by Lorenzo Mattotti

[print] Purgatorio / Dante Aligheiri ; illustrations by Milton Glaser

[print] Paradiso / Dante Alighieri ; illustrations by Moebius

[print] En enfer avec Dante: librement inspiré de l’oeuvre de Dante Alighieri / Michael Meier

[print] PaperDante / Disney

[print] La Divina Commedia / Geronimo Stilton

[print] La Divina Commedia / Gabriella Santini