New Titles in Theology, May to June 2023

Links for ebooks go directly to the ebook (after patron authentication). Links for print books go to the University of Toronto Library Catalogue record where patrons can obtain a call number or submit a pickup request.

Bracketed explanatory comments are written by Noel S. McFerran, Theology Librarian.

To suggest a title not already owned by any of the libraries at the University of Toronto, email Noel S. McFerran (


[ebook] In Search of the Good Life: Through the Eyes of Aristotle, Maimonides, and Aquinas / Corey Miller 

[ebook] Aesthetics: The Key Thinkers / edited by Alessandro Giovanelli 

[ebook] The Politics of Heaven and Hell: Christian Themes from Classical, Medieval, and Modern Political Philosophy / James V. Schall 


[ebook] Encyclopedia of Native American Religions / edited by Arlene Hirschfelder and Paulette Molin (3rd edition) 

[ebook] The Relevance of Islamic Identity in Canada: Culture, Politics, and Self / edited by Nurjehan Aziz 


[ebook] The Unity of the Nations: A Vision of the Church Fathers / Benedict XVI [lectures from 1962] 

[ebook] Origen: An Introduction to His Life and Thought / Ronald E. Heine (Cascade Companions) 

[ebook] Become like the Angels: Origen’s Doctrine of the Soul / Benjamin P. Blosser 

[print] On the Orthodox Faith: A New Translation of An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith / John Damascene ; edited by Norman Russell 

[print] Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on Paul’s Word to Seek What Is Above and on Outer Darkness / edited and translated by Dominique Sirgy (Texts from Christian Late Antiquity, 76) 


[print] The Rise of Christianity through the Eyes of Gibbon, Harnack and Rodney Stark / Jan N. Bremmer 

[ebook] Church Councils: 100 Questions and Answers / Paul Senz 

[print] The Habsburg Way: Seven Rules for Turbulent Times / Eduard Habsburg [lessons from a family which ruled part of Europe for over seven hundred years] 

[ebook] A History of the Church in England / John Moorman, 3rd edition 

[print] The European Reformations / Carter Lindberg, 3rd edition

[print] Reformation: Legacy and Future / edited by Petra Bosse-Huber, Serge Fornerod, Thies Gundlach, and Gottfried Locher [conference on the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation] 

[print] Teodorico Pedrini and the Ruin of the Christian Mission to China / Peter Allsop [Jesuit opposition to the pope’s 1704 decree about Chinese rites] 

[print] The September Pope: The Final Days of John Paul I / Stefania Falasca 

[ebook] Reinventing Theology in Post-Genocide Rwanda: Challenges and Hopes / edited by Marcel Uwineza, Elisée Rutagambwa, and Michael Segatawara Kemanzi [Jesuit authors] 

[print] Prison Journal, volume 3: The High Court Frees an Innocent Man: 1 December 2019 – 8 April 2020 / George Pell [Australian cardinal] 

[print] Joe Biden and Catholicism in the United States / Massimo Faggioli [author is one of the most influential Catholic theologians in the United States] 

[ebook] Playing God: American Catholic Bishops and the Far Right / Mary Jo McConahay 


[ebook] The Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture: The Word that Comes from God and Speaks of God for the Salvation of the World / Pontifical Biblical Commission 

[print] In the Beginning: Parallels between Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Accounts / Ronald Lee Eisenberg 

[ebook] First and Second Books of the Maccabees / edited by Matthew Thomas, Leeanne Thomas, Scott Hahn, and Curtis Mitch (Ignatius Catholic Study Bible) 

[print] The Reliability of the Gospel Tradition / Birger Gerhardsson 

[ebook] Learn to Read New Testament Greek / David Alan Black, 3rd edition

[ebook] Rethinking New Testament Textual Criticism / edited by David Alan Black 

[ebook] Linguistics and New Testament Greek: Key Issues in the Current Debate / edited by David Alan Black and Benjamin L. Merkle

[ebook] Why Four Gospels? / David Alan Black, 2nd edition

[ebook] Rethinking the Synoptic Problem / edited by David Alan Black and David Beck 

[ebook] Jesus of Nazareth: Archaeologists Retracing the Footsteps of Christ / Michael Hesemann 

[print] Echoes of the Most Holy: The Day of Atonement in the Book of Revelation / André Reis 


[print] Latomus and Luther: The Debate: Is Every Good Deed a Sin? / Anna Vind [16th century theological dispute] 

[ebook] A Guide to John Henry Newman: His Life and Thought / edited by Juan R. Velez 

[print] Beyond Vatican II: The Church at a New Crossroads / Claude Barthe

[print] Looking to the Laity: Reflections on Where the Church Can Go from Here / edited by Anne Louise Mahoney 

[print] Taking a Deep Breath for the Story to Begin / edited by Ernst M. Conradie and Pan-Chu Lai [How does the story of who the Triune God is and what this God does relate to the story of life on Earth?] 

[ebook] Incarnation: A New Evolutionary Threshold / Diarmuid O’Murchu 

[ebook] Confession of a Catholic Worker: Our Moment of Christian Witness / Larry S. Chapp [Hans Urs von Balthasar, Peter Maurin, and Dorothy Day] 

[ebook] Birth of a Dancing Star: From Cradle Catholic to Cyborg Christian / Ilia Delio 


[ebook] Walking Together: The Way of Synodality / Pope Francis ; introduction by Nathalie Becquart 

[ebook] Bergoglio’s List: How a Young Francis Defied a Dictatorship and Saved Dozens of Lives / Nello Scavi 

[ebook] Discovering Pope Francis: The Roots of Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s Thinking / edited by Brian Y. Lee and Thomas L. Knoebel 

[ebook] Francis of Rome & Francis of Assisi: A New Spring in the Church / Leonardo Boff 

[ebook] Pope Francis: Why He Leads the Way He Leads: Lessons from the First Jesuit Pope / Chris Lowney 

[ebook] Pope Francis and the Theology of the People / Rafael Luciani 

[ebook] The Francis Project: Where He Wants to Take the Church / Victor M. Fernández in conversation with Paolo Rodari [Cardinal Fernández is Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith]

[ebook] Pilgrimage: My Search for the Real Pope Francis / Mark K. Shriver 

[ebook] The Business Francis Means: Understanding the Pope’s Message on the Economy / Martin Schlag 


[ebook] Theological Foundations of Worship: Biblical, Systematic, and Practical Perspectives / edited by Khalia J. Williams and Mark A. Lamport 

[print] The Dynamics of Liturgy: Joseph Ratzinger’s Theology of Liturgy: An Interpretation / Vincent Twomey 

[print] A Forest of Symbols: The Traditional Mass and its Meaning / Claude Barthe 

[ebook] Encountering Christ in the Eucharist: The Paschal Mystery in People, Word, and Sacrament / Bruce T. Morrill [Jesuit author] 

[ebook] Liturgy with a Difference: Beyond Inclusion in the Christian Assembly / edited by Stephen Burns and Bryan Cones 

[print] Welcome All as Christ: Reimagining Parish Hospitality / John T. Kyler 

[print] A Crucial Key: Generational Perspectives and Catechetical Leadership / Thomas P. Walters and Rita Tyson Walters 

[print] Sharing Faith Online: A Guide to Digital Evangelization / Sean Salai [Jesuit author] 

[ebook] Pope Francis and Campus Ministry: A Dialogue / James J. Bacik 

[ebook] Church Forsaken: Practicing Presence in Neglected Neighborhoods / Jonathan Brooks [church work in south Chicago] 

[print] The Penal Law of the Roman Catholic Church: Commentary on Canons 1311-1399 and 1717-1731 and Other Sources of Penal Law / John A. Renken 


[ebook] “Follow Me”: A History of Christian Intentionality / Ivan J. Kaufman [religious communities, monastic and Evangelical; author identifies as Mennonite Catholic] 

[ebook] Path of the Purified Heart: The Spiritual Journey as Transformation / Laura Dunham 

[ebook] Theology in Practice: A Beginner’s Guide to the Spiritual Life / Roch A. Kereszty and Denis Farkasfalvy [Cistercian authors] 

[ebook] The Leaven of the Saints: Bringing Christ into a Fallen World / Dawn Marie Beutner 

[print] Special Saints for Special People: Stories of Saints with Disabilities / Megan C. Gannon 

[ebook] Pray, Think, Act: Make Better Decisions with the Desert Fathers / J. Augustine Wetta [Jesuit author] [print

[ebook] The Crucible of Racism: Ignatian Spirituality and the Power of Hope / Patrick Saint-Jean [Jesuit author] 

[print] The Grace of “Nothingness”: Navigating the Spiritual Life with Blessed Columba Marmion / Cassian Koenemann 

[ebook] Teilhard de Chardin, Seven Stages of Suffering: A Spiritual Path for Transformation / Louis M. Savary and Patricia H. Berne 

[print] Spiritual Diary / Sergius Bulgakov [Russian Orthodox theologian]

[print] Mother Teresa: The Saint and Her Nation / Gëzim Alpion 

[ebook] Blessed Carlo Acutis: A Saint in Sneakers / Courtney Mares [teenager beatified in 2020] 

[ebook] Let Beauty Speak: The Art of Being Human in a Culture of Noise / Jimmy Mitchell 

[ebook] The World as Sacrament: An Ecumenical Path toward a Worldly Spirituality / Michael P. Plekon [Elisabeth Behr-Sigel, Alexander Men, Paul Evdomikov, Thomas Merton, Richard Rohr, Joan Chittister, and more] 


[ebook] Christendom Lost and Found: Meditations for a Post Post-Christian Era / Robert McTeigue [Jesuit author; inspired by Saint Augustine’s City of God] 

[ebook] Nation of Victims: Identity Politics, the Death of Merit, and the Path Back to Excellence / Vivek Ramaswamy 

[ebook] War by Other Means: The Pacifists of the Greatest Generation Who Revolutionized Resistance / Daniel Akst [David Dellinger, Dorothy Day, Dwight MacDonald, and Bayard Rustin] 

[print] The Sexual Revolution: History, Ideology, Power / Peter J. Elliott 

[ebook] Life to the Full: True Stories that Reveal the Dignity of Every Human Life / edited by Abby Johnson and Tyler Rowely [23 personal accounts of lives touched by abortion] 

[ebook] The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory / Abigail Rine Favale [print

[ebook] Blasphemy: A Memoir: Sentenced to Death over a Cup of Water / Asia Bibi, with Anne Isabelle Tollet [Pakistani Christian woman on death row] 

[print] Butterflies in the Trenches: The Hood, an Epic Bike Ride, and Finding Inspiration / Curtis Carmichael [growing up in a public housing project in Scarborough] 

[print] Women, Religion and HIV/AIDS in Africa: Responding to Ethical and Theological Challenges / edited by Teresia M. Hinga, Anne Nkirote Kubai, Philomena Mwaura, and Hazel Ayanga


[ebook] Good Music, Sacred Music, and Silence: Three Gifts of God for Liturgy and for Life / Peter Kwasniewski 

[ebook] Sanctifying Art: Inviting Conversation between Artists, Theologians, and the Church / Deborah Sokolove 

[print] Jesus in Art and Literature / Pierre-Marie Dumont 


[print] The Climate Book / created by Greta Thunberg