New Titles in Theology, October to December 2023

Links for ebooks go directly to the ebook (after patron authentication). Links for print books go to the University of Toronto Library Catalogue record where patrons can obtain a call number or submit a pickup request.

Bracketed explanatory comments are written by Noel S. McFerran, Theology Librarian.

To suggest a title not already owned by any of the libraries at the University of Toronto, email Noel S. McFerran (


[ebook] Do We Worship the Same God?: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Dialogue / edited by Miroslav Volf 

[ebook] Sufi Heirs of the Prophet: The Indian Naqshbandiyya and the Rise of the Mediating Sufi Shaykh / Arthur F. Buehller 


[ebook] To Pray as a Jew: A Guide to the Prayer Book and the Synagogue Service / Hayim H. Donin 

[ebook] To Be a Jew: A Guide to Jewish Observance in Contemporary Life / Hayim H. Donin  

[ebook] Edith Stein’s Life in a Jewish Family, 1891-1916: A Companion / Joyce Avrech Berkman 

[ebook] Tois Pasin ho Kairos: Judaism and Orthodox Christianity Facing the Future / edited by Nicholas de Lange, Elena Narinskaya, and Sybil Sheridan 


[ebook] The Race for Paradise: An Islamic History of the Crusades / Paul M. Cobb 

[ebook] Tales of a Minstrel of Reims in the Thirteenth Century / translated by Samuel N. Rosenberg [anonymous historical stories from 13th century France] 

[ebook] Iberian Empires and the Roots of Globalization / edited by Ivonne del Valle, Anna More, and Rachel Sarah O’Toole [Spanish and Portuguese empires] 

[ebook] The Jesuits and Globalization: Historical Legacies and Contemporary Challenges / edited by Thomas Banchoff and José Casanova 

[ebook] To Change the Church: Pope Francis and the Future of Catholicism / Ross Douthat 

[ebook] Rising: The Amazing Story of Christianity’s Resurrection in the Global South / Dyron B. Daughrity 

[ebook] That Was Father Stu: A Memoir of My Priestly Brother and Friend / Bart Tolleson [biography of American priest Stuart Long] 


[ebook] From the Banks of the Euphrates: Studies in Honor of Alice Louise Slotsky / edited by Micah Ross [essays on the Ancient Near East] 

[ebook] Gods in Dwellings: Temples and Divine Presence in the Ancient Near East / Michael B. Hundley 

[ebook] The Book of Genesis, Chapters 18-50 / Victor P. Hamilton (New International Commentary on the Old Testament) 

[ebook] The Wisdom of Sirach / Walter T. Wilson (Eerdmans Critical Commentary) 


[print] Come Forth: The Promise of Jesus’s Greatest Miracle / James Martin [Jesuit author] [raising of Lazarus] 

[ebook] Commentary on the Gospel of John: Chapters 1-5 / Thomas Aquinas, translated by Fabian R. Larcher and James A. Weisheipl 

[ebook] Commentary on the Gospel of John: Chapters 6-12 / Thomas Aquinas, translated by Fabian R. Larcher and James A. Weisheipl 

[ebook] Commentary on the Gospel of John: Chapters 13-21 / Thomas Aquinas, translated by Fabian R. Larcher and James A. Weisheipl 

[ebook] The New Perspective on Paul: Collected Essays / James D. G. Dunn 

[ebook] Paul’s ‘Works of the Law’ in the Perspective of Second Century Reception / Matthew J. Thomas 

[ebook] Perspectives Old and New on Paul: The “Lutheran” Paul and His Critics / Stephen Westerholm 

[ebook] Justification Reconsidered: Rethinking a Pauline Theme / Stephen Westerholm 

[ebook] The Future of Justification: A Response to N. T. Wright / John Piper 


[ebook] Scripture, the Genesis of Doctrine, volume 1: Doctrine and Scripture in Early Christianity  / Frances M. Young 

[print] An Exposition of The Divine Names, The Book of Blessed Dionysius / Thomas Aquinas, edited by Michael A. Augros 

[ebook] The Institutes of the Christian Religion / John Calvin, translated by Henry Beveridge 

[ebook] Does Jesus Know Us? Do We Know Him? / Hans Urs von Balthasar 

[print] Le coeur ne se divise pas: conversation sur l’unité / François Bustillo, Edgar Peña Parra, Nicolas Diat 

[print] A School of Theology: Le Saulchoir / Marie-Dominique Chenu 

[ebook] Vatican I and Vatican II: Councils in the Living Tradition / Kristen Colberg 

[ebook] The Disputed Teachings of Vatican II: Continuity and Reversal in Catholic Doctrine / Thomas G. Guarino 

[ebook] Vatican II Behind the Iron Curtain / edited by Piotr H. Kosicki [Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Yugoslavia] 

[ebook] Ressourcement after Vatican II: Essays in Honor of Joseph Fessio, S.J. / edited by Nicholas J. Healy, Jr., and Matthew Levering  

[print] The People of God Have Spoken: Continental Ecclesial Assemblies within the Synod on Synodality / edited by Myriam Wiljens and Vimal Tirimanna 

[ebook] The Mind of Pope Francis: Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s Intellectual Journey / Massimo Borghesi 

[ebook] The Orthodoxy of Amoris laetitia / Pedro Gabriel 

[ebook] Mary on the Eve of the Second Vatican Council / edited by John C. Cavadini and Danielle M. Peters  

[ebook] Karl Barth, Catholic Renewal and Vatican II / Benjamin Dahlke  

[ebook] Trinitarian Theology after Barth / edited by Myk Habets and Phillip Tolliday 

[print] Collected Writings of Samuel Rayan, SJ / edited by Kurien Kunnumpuram, 3 volumes [author was an Indian liberation theologian] 

[print] T&T Clark Handbook of Public Theology / edited by Christoph Hübenthal and Christiane Alpers 

[ebook] Nature Praising God: Towards a Theology of the Natural World / Dermot A. Lane 


[print] The Liturgy of St. James: Its Impact on Theologizing in India / edited by John Berchmans and James Puthuparampil 

[ebook] In Christ Now Meet Both East and West: On Catholic Eucharistic Action / Thomas O’Loughlin [meal aspect of the Eucharist]  

[print] Respecting the Body and Blood of the Lord: When Holy Communion Should be Denied / Raymond Leo Burke [author is a cardinal] 

[print] A Hunger for Reconciliation: In Society and the Church/ edited by Gerard Moore 

[ebook] Sin in the Sixties: Catholics and Confession, 1955-1975 / Maria C. Morrow [changes in penitential practice] 

[ebook] Broken Words: Reflections on the Craft of Preaching / Paul Scott Wilson 

[ebook] Same Call, Different Men: The Evolution of the Priesthood since Vatican II / Mary Gautier, Paul M. Perl, and Stephen J. Fichter [2009 survey of priests in the United States] 

[ebook] Rethinking Celibacy, Reclaiming the Church / Michael H. Crosby 


[ebook] Wondrous in His Saints: Essays to Inspire on the Orthodox Patristic Tradition / Chris Baghos 

[print] Brother Deo Gratias: St. Felix of Cantalice / Amable Kerr [biography of 16th century Italian Capuchin] 

[ebook] Why Do You Trouble This Woman?: Women and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola / Anne Arabome 

[ebook] Self-Emptying Love in a Global Context: The Spiritual Exercises and the Environment / Robert T. Sears and Joseph A. Bracken 

[ebook] The Way of Perfection / Teresa of Avila, translated by E. Allison Peers 

[ebook] Personal Prayer: A Guide for Receiving the Father’s Love / Thomas Acklin and Boniface Hicks [Benedictine authors] 

[ebook] Spiritual Direction: A Guide for Sharing the Father’s Love / Thomas Acklin and Boniface Hicks [Benedictine authors] 

[ebook] God Has Begun a Great Work in Us: Embodied Love in Consecrated Life and Ecclesial Movements / edited by Jason King and Shannon Schrein 

[ebook] (R)evolutionary Hope: A Spirituality of Encounter and Engagement in an Evolving World / Kathleen Bonnette 

[ebook] The Ethics of Encounter: Christian Neighbor Love as a Practice of Solidarity / Marchus Mescher 

[ebook] Nurturing Children’s Spirituality: Christian Perspectives and Best Practices / edited by Holly Chaterton Allen 

[ebook] To Die Well: A Catholic Neurosurgeon’s Guide to the End of Life / Stephen Doran [both ethics and spirituality] 


[ebook] Ignatian Pedagogy: Classic and Contemporary Texts on Jesuit Education from St. Ignatius to Today / edited by Jose Mesa [primary sources from 1551 to 2015] 


[print] Code of Canon Law Annotated / edited by Juan Ignacio Arrieta, 4th revised edition


[ebook] Charging Interest: Medieval Wisdom for a Modern Financial Crisis / Martin Luther; edited by Michael T. Grzonka [based on Luther’s “Exhortation to the Clergy to Preach against Exploitative Interest” (1540)] 


[print] Dante Inferno per bambini e genitori curiosi / ‎Federico Corradini  

[print] Dante Purgatorio per bambini e per genitori curiosi / Federico Corradini 

[print] Dante Paradiso per bambini e per genitori curiosi / Federico Corradini 

[print] Divina comedia / adapted by Ana Bergholtz