New Titles in Theology, May to June 2024

Links for ebooks go directly to the ebook (after patron authentication). Links for print books go to the University of Toronto Library Catalogue record where patrons can obtain a call number or submit a pickup request.

Bracketed explanatory comments are written by Noel S. McFerran, Theology Librarian.

To suggest a title not already owned by any of the libraries at the University of Toronto, email Noel S. McFerran (


[ebook] The Philosophy of John Henry Newman and Pragmatism: A Comparison / Marial Corona 

[ebook] Questioning God / edited by John D. Caputo, Mark Dooley, and Michael J. Scanlon [essays by Jacques Derrida and others] 

[ebook] Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World / Tyson Yunkaporta [author is Australian] 


[ebook] Open Judaism: A Guide for Believers, Atheists, and Agnostics / Barry L. Schwartz [pluralistic and inclusive Judaism] 

[ebook] For Times Such as These: A Radical’s Guide to the Jewish Year / Ariana Katz and Jessica Rosenberg [includes anti-Zionist, decolonial, anti-racist, queer, and feminist Jewish perspectives] 

[ebook] Catholic-Jewish Relations: Twelve Key Themes for Teaching & Preaching / Teresa Pirola 

[ebook] Intimate Strangers: A History of Jews and Catholics in the City of Rome / Frederic R. Brandfon 

[ebook] Ethics at the Center: Jewish Theory and Practice for Living a Moral Life / Elliot N. Dorff 

[ebook] What Were the Early Rabbis?: An Introduction from a Sociocultural Perspective / Jack N. Lightstone 

[ebook] Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer / edited by Jonathan Kaplan [Messianic]


[ebook] In Love with Islam, Believing in Jesus / Paolo dall’Oglio [Jesuit author] 

[ebook] Christian-Muslim Relations During the Crusades / Alexander Mallett  

[ebook] Jesus in the Hands of the Buddha: The Life and Legacy of Shigeto Vincent Oshida, OP / Lucien Miller 

[ebook] Following Christ and Confucius: Wang Mingdao and Chinese Christianity / Christopher Payk [spiritual father of China’s house church movement] 


[ebook] Triumph: The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church – A 2,000 Year History / H. W. Crocker  

[ebook] How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization / Thomas E. Woods 

[ebook] A Storm of Images: Iconoclasm and Religious Reformation in the Byzantine World / Philip Jenkins 

[ebook] The Jesuit Ethos: A Social and Spiritual History / Jean-Luc Enyegue 

[ebook] The Jesuits in the United States: A Concise History / David J. Collins 

[ebook] Jesuit Father Francois Annat and His Role as Minister for Religious Affairs in 17th Century France / Brain van Hove 

[ebook] Losing a Kingdom, Gaining a World: The Catholic Church in the Age of Revolution and Democracy / Ambrogio A. Caiani [18th and 19th centuries] 

[ebook] Veiled Leadership: Katharine Drexel, the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, and Catholic Race Relations / Amanda Bresie [Philadelphia religious congregation founded in 1891] 

[ebook] Katharine Drexel and the Sisters Who Shared Her Vision / Margaret M. McGuinness [Philadelphia religious congregation founded in 1891] 

[ebook] Le Saulchoir on Trial (1932-1943) / Etienne Fouilloux [French Dominican theological school] 

[ebook] Mysticism and Witness in Koinonia: Inspiration from the Martydom of Two Twentieth-Century Communities / Maria Clara Bingemer [Jesuits of Central American University and Trappists of Tibhirine] 

[ebook] Asian Pacific Catholicism and Globalization: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges / edited by José Casanova and Peter C. Phan [chapters on individual countries] 

[ebook] Restoring Identities: The Contextualizing Story of Christianity in Oceania / edited by Upolu Luma Vaai and Mark A. Lamport 

[ebook] True Confessions: Voices of Faith from a Life in the Church / Francis X. Maier [based on interviews with over one hundred United States bishops, priests, deacons, religious, and laity] 

[print] God Is Alive in Holland / Andrea Galli [interview with Cardinal Willem Eijk, Archbishop of Utrecht] 


[ebook] John Tracey Ellis: An American Catholic Reformer / Thomas J. Shelley [church historian] 

[ebook] Le Père Roland de Vaux, O.P.: Une biographie / Jean Jacques Pérennès [French Dominican priest and archaeologist] 

[ebook] Yves Congar: A Life, 1904-1995 / Etienne Fouilloux [biography of French Dominican theologian] 

[print] A Prophet for the Priesthood / John A. Hardon [life of Gerald Fitzgerald, founder of the Congregation of the Servants of the Paraclete] 

[ebook] The Betrayal of Witness: Reflections on the Downfall of Jean Vanier / edited by Stanley Hauerwas and Hans S. Reinders 

[ebook] All the Way In: A Story of Activism, Incarceration, and Organic Farming / Jeanne Clark [autobiography of American Dominican nun] 

[print] Life: My Story through History / Pope Francis with Fabio Marchese Ragona 


[ebook] Infallibility, Integrity and Obedience: The Papacy and the Roman Catholic Church, 1848-2023 / John M. Rist 

[ebook] In the Courts of Three Popes: An American Lawyer and Diplomat in the Last Absolute Monarchy of the West / Mary Ann Glendon 

[ebook] Who Believes Is Not Alone: My Life Beside Benedict XVI / Georg Ganswein 

[ebook] With God You Are Never Alone: The Great Papal Addresses / Benedict XVI 


[ebook] Studies on First Clement / William Wrede; edited by Jacob N. Gerone (Classic Studies on the Apostolic Fathers) 

[ebook] Leisure Resurrected: Rekindling the Fire of Early Christian Communities / Jeffrey Paul Crittenden 

[ebook] Rabbles, Riots, and Ruins: Twelve Ancient Cities and How They Were Evangelized / Mike Aquilina 

[ebook] Patience and Salvation in Third Century North Africa: A Christian Latin Reader / Sarah Klitenic Wear [Latin text with vocabulary and grammatical notes] 

[ebook] Defining God: Athanasius, Nicaea and the Trinitarian Controversy of the Fourth Century / Patrick Whitworth 

[ebook] The Spirit of Truth: Johannine Pneumatology in the Letters of Athansius to Serapion / Haitham A. Isaak 

[ebook] Homilies on Psalms 36-38 / Origen; edited by Michael Heintz (Fathers of the Church, 146) 

[ebook] Exegetical Epistles, volume 1 / Jerome (Fathers of the Church, 147) 

[ebook] Obstacles to Stillness: Thoughts, Hindrances, and Self-Surrender in Evagrius and the Buddha / Shodhin K. Geiman 

[ebook] The Doctrine of Addai and the Letters of Jesus and Abgar / Jacob A. Lollar [4th/5th century Syriac texts] 

[ebook] The Apocryphal Sunday: History and Texts from Late Antiquity / Uta Heil 

[ebook] The Sayings and Stories of the Desert Fathers and Mothers. 2: TH-O (Theta-Omega) / edited by Tim Vivian 

[ebook] Exploring the Literary Contexts of Patristic Biblical Exegesis / edited by Miram Cook and 


[ebook] Hermeneutics: Principles and Processes of Biblical Interpretation / Henry A. Virkler and Karelynne Gerber Ayayo, 3rd edition 

[ebook] Listening to Scripture: An Introduction to Interpreting the Bible / Craig G. Bartholomew 

[ebook] The Inspiration and Truth of Scripture: Testing the Ratzinger Paradigm / Aaron Pidel [Jesuit author] 

[ebook] Opening the Treasure of the Scriptures: Some Biblical Crumbs / Brother Richard of Taize 

[ebook] Mercy and the Bible: Why It Matters / Ronald D. Witherup 

[ebook] Economics and Empire in the Ancient Near East: Guide to the Bible and Economics, volume 1 / Matthew J. M. Coomber 

[ebook] Plant Metaphors in Prophetic Condemnations of Israel and Judah / Tina M. Sherman (Ancient Israel and Its Literature, 49) 

[ebook] The Psalter: The Whole of the Book of Praises / Roland Meynet 

[ebook] The Suffering Servant: Isaiah 53 for the Life of the Church / J. G. McConville 

[ebook] Son of Man, volume 1: Early Jewish Literature / Richard Bauckham 

[ebook] Living Christ: A Spiritual Reading of the Gospels / Peter Feldmeier 

[ebook] The Most Important Words of Jesus / Gerhard Lohfink 

[ebook] Pauline Theology as a Way of Life: A Vision of Human Flourishing in Christ / Joshua W. Jipp 


[ebook] Principles of Catholic Theology, Book 1: On the Nature of Theology / Thomas Joseph White 

[ebook] Re-Introducing Christianity: An Eastern Apologia for a Western Audience / edited by Amire Azavan 

[ebook] The Thomistic Response to the Nouvelle theologie: Concerning the Truth of Dogma and the Nature of Theology / edited by Jon Kirwan [translations of 1946-1949 journal articles written by four Dominicans] 

[ebook] God without the Idea of Evil / Jean-Miguel Garrigues [Dominican author] 

[ebook] Catholic Dogmatic Theology: A Synthesis, Book 2: On the Incarnation and Redemption / Jean Herve Nicolas [Dominican author] 

[ebook] Christ, the Logos of Creation: An Essay in Analogical Metaphysics / John R. Betz 

[ebook] Handbook of Catholic Dogmatics, Book Four: Sin and the Kingdom of Sin as a Contradiction and a Combat against the Supernatural Order of the World / Matthias Joseph Scheeben 

[ebook] The Difference Nothing Makes: Creation, Christ, Contemplation / Brian D. Robinette [creation from nothing] 

[ebook] Animal Afterlife?: A History of Hope / Betsy Clark George 

[ebook] Kneeling Theology / Anton Strukelj [Hans Urs von Balthasar, Adrienne von Speyr, Benedict XVI, Anton Strle, Anton Vovk] 

[ebook] Questioning God / Timothy Radcliffe and Lukasz Popko [Dominican authors] 

[ebook] A Defense of the Catholic Religion: The Necessity, Existence, and Limits of Infallible Church / Beda Mayr [18th century work by a Benedictine placed on the Index of Forbidden Books] 

[ebook] Icon of the Kingdom of God: An Orthodox Ecclesiology / Radu Bordeianu 

[ebook] Under the Palaver Tree: Doing African Ecclesiology in the Spirit of Vatican II: The Contributions of Elochuwu E. Uzukwu / edited by Stan Chu Ilo and Caroline N. Mbonu 

[ebook] Contemplating Country: More Gondwana Theology / Garry Worete Deverell [Australian indigenous] 

[ebook] Holy Blasphemies: God, Mystery, and the Spiritual / Thomas P. Rausch [Jesuit author] 

[ebook] Toward a Public Theology in Myanmar / edited by Lal Trin Hre and David Selvaraj 

[ebook] I Am Asking in the Name of God: Ten Prayers for a Future of Hope / Pope Francis 

[ebook] Angels: In Scripture and Tradition / Owen F. Cummings 


[ebook] Julian of Norwich and the Problem of Evil / Richard Norton 

[ebook] Exploring Thomas Aquinas: Essays and Sermons (Dominican Series, 18) [contributions by seven theologians including St. Mike’s Basilian Walter Principe] 

[ebook] The Passion of Love in the Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas / Daniel Joseph Gordon 

[ebook] Saved as Through Fire: A Thomistic Account of Purgatory, Temporal Punishment, and Satisfaction / Luke Wilgenbusch [print

[ebook] The World and the Person: And Other Writings / Romano Guardini 

[ebook] Salvation in Henri de Lubac: Divine Grace, Human Nature, and the Mystery of the Cross / Eugene R. Schlesinger 

[ebook] The Death and Life of Speculative Theology: A Lonergan Idea / Ryan Hemmer 

[ebook] Hans Urs von Balthasar’s Theology of Representation: God, Drama, and Salvation / Jacob Lett 

[ebook] The Meaning of the World in Love: Selected Texts from Hans Urs von Balthasar / with commentary by Richard Clements [sentence and paragraph-length excerpts] 

[ebook] Studies Systematic and Critical / Peter Damian Fehlner 

[ebook] Ecclesiology and the Franciscan Charism / Peter Damian Fehlner  

[ebook] Viri dignitatem: Personhood, Masculinity, and Fatherhood in the Thought of John Paul II / David H. Delaney 

[ebook] Pope Francis as Moral Leader: Ethicist, Discerner, Communicator, and Advocate for Social Justice / Thomas Massaro 


[ebook] The World’s First Love / Fulton J. Sheen 

[ebook] Mary for Today / Hans Urs von Balthasar, revised edition 

[ebook] Franciscan Mariology: Francis, Clare, and Bonaventure / Peter Damian Fehlner  

[ebook] Holy Presence, Holy Preaching: Santa Maria Tonantzin Guadalupe as Preacher and Community / Maria Teresa Montes Lara and Vincent J. Pastro [Our Lady of Guadalupe] 

[ebook] The Splendor of the Church in Mary: Henri de Lubac, Vatican II, and Marian Ressourcement / Therese Marie Chau Nguyen 

[ebook] A Bride Adorned: Mary-Church Perichoresis in Modern Catholic Theology / John L. Nepil 


[print] Religion and Nature in North America: An Introduction / edited by Laurel D. Kearns and Whitney A. Bauman 

[ebook] A Theology of Creation: Ecology, Art, and Laudato si’ / Thomas S. Hibbs 

[ebook] Good Food: Grounded Practical Theology / Jennifer R. Ayres 

[ebook] Everyone Must Eat: Food, Sustainability, and Ministry / Mark L. Yackel-Juleen 

[ebook] Harvesting Abundance: Local Initiatives of Food and Faith / Brain Sellers-Petersen 

[ebook] The Spirit of Soul Food: Race, Faith, and Food Justice / Christopher Carter 

[ebook] Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants / Robin Wall Kimmerer 

[ebook] The World-Ending Fire: The Essential Wendell Berry / edited by Paul Kingsnorth 

[ebook] The Climate Book: The Facts and the Solutions / Greta Thunberg 


[ebook] Reconciliation in Remembrance of Jesus Christ: Treating Holy Communion, Eucharist and Holy Sacrifice with Ecumenical Sensitivity: A Contribution to the 11th Assembly of the WCC (Karlsruhe, August 2022) / edited by Hacik Gazer 

[ebook] Pastoral Guide to Pope Francis’s Desiderio desideravi / Rita Ferrone [Apostolic letter on the liturgical formation of the people of God] 

[ebook] Further Issues in Eucharistic Praying in East and West: Essays in Liturgical and Theological Analysis / edited by Maxwell E. Johnson 

[ebook] Sent out into the World: A Liturgical Theology for a Parish Community and the New Evangelization–A Reading of the New Order of The Order of a Dedication of a Church / Michael McGourty [author teaches at St. Augustine’s Seminary] 

[ebook] The Bible in the Liturgy: Studies on the Lectionary / N. Bonneau [post-Vatican II revision of the Lectionary] 

[ebook] A Fundamental Theology of the Priesthood, volume 1: Proceedings of the Symposium Sponsored by the Center for Research and Anthropology of Vocations / edited by Marc Ouellet [edited by Canadian cardinal] 

[ebook] Women Called to Catholic Priesthood: From Ecclesial Challenge to Spiritual Renewal / Sharon Henderson Callahan and Jeanette Rodriguez 

[ebook] The Bible and Reconciliation: Confession, Repentance, and Restoration / James B. Prothro (Catholic Biblical Theology of the Sacraments) 

[ebook] Ministry to the Sick and Dying in the Late Medieval Church / Thomas M. Izbicki 

[ebook] Praying in Time: The Hours & Days in Step with Orthodox Christian Tradition / Vassa Larin 


[print] Made for Mission: Renewing your Parish Culture / Tim Glemkowski 

[ebook] On the Formation of Clergy / Rabanus Maurus (Fathers of the Church, Medieval Continuation 21)  

[ebook] Down Deep in My Soul: An African American Catholic Theology of Preaching / Maurice J. Nutt [Redemptorist author] 

[ebook] Holy Ghost in the Catholic Machine: Spirit-Structure Tensions in Parish Preaching Work / J. E. Sigler 

[ebook] Salaam: Development as Mission / Christian Giordano and Charo Pérez [South American missions in Muslim countries comparing Catholic and Protestant theories of development] 

[ebook] Mission Bound: Short-Term Mission as Pilgrimage / Rodney Aist 

[print] Accompanying Those with Same-Sex Attractions: A Guide for Catholics / David Prosen 


[ebook] Canon Law in the Age of Reforms (ca. 1000 to ca. 1150) / Christof Rolker (History of Medieval Canon Law) 

[ebook] Penal Law in Action / Brendan Daly 


[ebook] The Practice of Spiritual Direction / William A. Barry and William J. Connolly 

[ebook] Dialogue on Miracles, volume 1 / Caesarius of Heisterbach [13th century Cistercian] 

[ebook] Dialogue on Miracles, volume 2 / Caesarius of Heisterbach [13th century Cistercian] 

[ebook] Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola: A Lived Experience / Gerald O’Collins [Jesuit author] 

[ebook] How Then Shall We Guide?: A Comparative Study of Ignatius of Loyola and John Calvin as Spiritual Guides / Jimmy Boon-Chai Tan 

[ebook] Thérèse and Martin: Carmel and the Reformation in a New Light / Karin Johannesson [Martin Luther, Thérèse de Lisieux, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross; written by a Swedish Lutheran bishop] 

[ebook] A Treatise on Perfection: Saintly Counsel on Obtaining Salvation / Armand Jean du Plessis [Cardinal Richelieu] 

[ebook] The Nineteenth-Century Salesian Pentecost: The Salesian Family of Don Bosco, the Oblates and Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales, the Daughters of St. Francis de Sales, and the Fransalians / edited by Joseph Boenzi, Joseph F. Chorpenning, Suzanne Toczyski, and Wendy M. Wright (The Classics of Western Spirituality)  

[ebook] Chastity: Reconciliation of the Senses / Erik Varden [author is bishop of Trondheim, Norway] 

[ebook] Trust Your Feelings: Learning How to Make Wise Choices / Nikolass Sintobin [Jesuit author] 

[ebook] Seeing with the Heart: A Guide to Navigating Life’s Adventures / Kevin O’Brien [Jesuit author] 

[ebook] Rediscovering the Divine: New Ways to Understand, Experience, and Express God / Cyprian Consiglio 

[ebook] Catholics in Exile: Biblical Wisdom for the Journey Home / Scott Hahn and Brandon McGinley 

[ebook] Faithful Work: In the Daily Grind with God and for Others / Ross Chapman and Ryan Tafilowski 

[ebook] Dwelling in the Wilderness: Modern Monks in the American West / Jason M. Brown [four American monasteries] 

[ebook] Thomas Merton in California: The Redwoods Conferences and Letters / edited by David M. Odorisio 

[ebook] The Formation of Affectivity: A Christian Approach / Francisco Insa 

[ebook] Gratitude: Why Giving Thanks Is the Key to Our Well-Being / Cornelius Plantinga 

[ebook] Humility Illuminated: The Biblical Path Back to Christian Character / Dennis R. Edwards 

[ebook] On Obedience / Adrienne von Speyr 

[print] Counterfeit Spirituality: Exposing the False Gods / Bryan Mercier [Reiki, Enneagram, New Age, etc.] 


[print] To the Ends of the Earth: Action / Mark C. McCann 

[print] To the Ends of the Earth: Character / Mark C. McCann  

[print] To the Ends of the Earth: Legacy / Mark C. McCann 

[print] To the Ends of the Earth: Witness / Mark C. McCann 

[print] Leaving Boyhood Behind: Reclaiming Catholic Brotherhood / Jason M. Craig 


[ebook] Faith & Religion in a Secular Society / Jozef de Kesel [Cardinal Archbishop of Mechlen-Brussels] 

[ebook] Human Dignity and Liberal Politics: Catholic Possibilities for the Common Good / Patrick Riordan 

[ebook] “All the Real Indians Died Off”: And 20 Other Myths about Native Americans / Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz 

[print] Grave Error: How the Media Misled Us (and the Truth about Residential Schools) / edited by C. P. Champion and Tom Flanagan 

[ebook] Detrans: True Stories of Escaping the Gender Ideology Cult / Mary Margaret Olohan 

[ebook] C’est maintenant le temps favorable: Cinq regards de femmes sur la crise / Noëlie Djimadoumbaye, Nathalie Becquart, Geneviève Comeau, Agata Zielinski, and Odile Hardy [five Xaverian nuns respond to COVID] 

[ebook] An Indigenous People’s History of the United States / Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz  


[ebook] The Sistine Secrets: Michelangelo’s Forbidden Messages in the Heart of the Vatican / Benjamin Blech and Roy Doliner 


[ebook] Translation and Affect: Essays on Sticky Affects and Translational Affective Labour / Kaisa Koskinen