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Bracketed explanatory comments are written by Noel S. McFerran, Theology Librarian.
To suggest a title not already owned by any of the libraries at the University of Toronto, email Noel S. McFerran (
[print] The Text of Acts of the Apostles in the Writings of Origen / Stanley N. Helton
[print] Contre Julien / Cyrille D’Alexandrie
[ebook] The Ecumenical Councils of the Catholic Church: A History / Joseph F. Kelly
[ebook] Breakspear: The English Pope / R. A. J. Wadddingham [Pope Adrian IV, 1154-1159]
[ebook] Native American Catholic Studies Reader: History and Theology / Ben Black Bear Jr. and David J. Endres [essays]
[print] Cinque Secoli di Litterae Indipetae: Il Desiderio delle Missioni nella Compagnia di Gesù / edited by Girolamo Imbruglia, Pierre-Antoine Fabre, and Guido Mongini [letters from Jesuit missionaries in Italian, French, and English]
[print] Jesuits in Africa: A Historical Narrative From Ignatius of Loyola to Pedro Arrupe / Festo Mkenda
[print and ebook] Kateri Tekahkwitha: Traverser le Miroir Colonial / Jean-François Roussel
[print and ebook] Angelo Zottoli, a Jesuit Missionary in China (1848 to 1902): His Life and Ideas / Antonio De Caro
[ebook] Competing Catholicisms: The Jesuits, the Vatican and the Making of Postcolonial French Africa / Jean-Luc Enyegue
[ebook] Christianity and Empire in South Manipur Hills: Senvon Encounter and the Dialogic Zo Peoples / Samuel G. Ngaihte [border between India and Myanmar]
[ebook] Ecclesial Exegesis: A Synthesis of Ancient and Modern Approaches to Scripture / Gregory Vall (Verbum Domini, 3)
[ebook] The Word of a Humble God: The Origins, Inspiration, and Interpretation of Scripture / Karen R. Keen and Michael Graves
[ebook] Irrevocable: The Name of God and the Unity of the Christian Bible / R. Kendall Soulen [God’s proper name, the Tetragrammaton]
[print and ebook] Onto Center Stage: The Biblical Woman / Sara Reguer
[ebook] Solomon Described Plants: A Botanical Guide to Plant Life in the Bible / Lytton John Musselman
[ebook] The Book of Revolutions: The Battles of Priests, Prophets, and Kings that Birthed the Torah / Edward Feld
[ebook] Torah Encounters: Numbers / Daniel Pressman
[ebook] Our Reason for Being: An Exposition of Ecclesiastes on the Meaning of Life / T. F. Leong
[print] Witnesses to the Ends of the Earth: New Testament Reflections on Mission / Francis J. Moloney
[ebook] Jesus and the Nations: Discipleship and Mission in the Gospel of Matthew / Cedric E. W. Vine
[print] Being and Becoming: Human Transformation in the Letters of Paul / Frederick David Carr
[ebook] Super-Abundant Grace: Reflections on Romans / Keith D. Stanglin
[ebook] Induction and Example: A Rhetorical Exegesis in the Letter of Galatians / C. T. Johnson
[ebook] Women, Salvation, and Childbearing: The Mystery of 1 Timothy 2:11-15 / Kenneth L. Waters
[ebook] Called to Suffer: The Necessity of Suffering in Christian Formation in First Peter / Frans-Johan Pienaar
[ebook] Nicene Christianity: The Future for a New Ecumenism / edited by Christopher Seitz
[ebook] Evangelicals and Nicene Faith: Reclaiming the Apostolic Witness / edited by Timothy George (Beeson Divinity Studies, 1)
[ebook] My Dear Far-Nearness: The Holy Trinity as a Spiritual Practice / Robert A. Jonas
[ebook] Three in One: Analogies for the Trinity / William David Spencer
[ebook] The Trinity in the Book of Revelation: Seeing Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in John’s Apocalypse / Brandon D. Smith
[ebook] As I Have Loved You: Rediscovering Our Salvation in Christ / Timothy Vavarek
[ebook] The Giver of Life: The Holy Spirit in Orthodox Tradition / John W. Oliver
[ebook] Eschatology and Hope / Anthony Kelly (Theology in Global Perspective)
[ebook] Faith and the Sacraments: A Commentary on The International Theological Commission’s The Reciprocity of Faith and Sacraments in the Sacramental Economy: With Official Revised English Translation / International Theological ComMission, Thomas G. Weinandy
[ebook] The Predestination of Humans and Angels: Augustinus, Tome III, Bk. IX / Cornelius Jansen (Early Modern Catholic Sources, 4) [English translation of the heart of the book which shook 17th century Catholicism]
[ebook] The Human in a Dehumanizing World: Reexaming Theological Anthropology and Its Implications / edited by Jessica Coblentz and Daniel P. Horan (College Theology Society, annual volume 67)
[print] L’Humain, Image Filiale de Dieu: Une Anthropologie Théologique en Dialogue avec l’Exégèse / Christof Betschart
[print] The Home of God: A Brief Story of Everything / Miroslav Volf [how God makes a home for his creatures]
[print and ebook] Beyond the Pandemic: Spiritual and Ecological Challenges / Diarmuid D’Murchu
[print] Our Faithful Departed: Where They Are and Why It Matters / Leonard J. DeLorenzo
[ebook] Liberation against Entitlement: Conflicting Theologies of Grace and Clashing Populisms / Tim Noble [Brazil, Czech Republic, and Fratelli tutti]
[print] Tilling the Church: Theology for an Unfinished Project / Richard Lennan
[ebook] Christ’s Descent into Hell: John Paul II, Joseph Ratzinger, and Hans Urs von Balthasar on the Theology of Holy Saturday / Lyra Pitstick
[print] The Holy Trinity: Hans Urs Von Balthasar and His Sources / Katy Leamy
[print] The Dramatizing of Theology: Humanity’s Participation in God’s Drama / Matthew S. Farlow [Balthasar and Barth]
[ebook] Ratzinger’s Augustinianism and Evangelicalism: An Exploration in Ecumenical Rapprochement / Patrick G. McGlinchey
[ebook] The Word Made Love: The Dialogical Theology of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI / Christopher S. Collins
[print] Témoins du Message Chrétien Benoît XVI / Benedict XVI
[print] Le Pape François de “Laudato Si'” à “Fratelli Tutti”: Une Herméneutique Philosophique, Politique et Théologique / BenoîtAwazi-Mbambi-Kungua
[print] Transformer l’Église: Quelques Propositions à la Lumière de Fratelli Tutti / edited by Michel Camdessus and Hervé Legrand
Christian Faith and Human Understanding: Studies on the Eucharist, Trinity, and the Human Person / Robert Sokolowski [essays on faith and reason]
[print and ebook] Lay Pastoral Care: A Narrative Approach / Joretta L. Marshall and Christie Cozad Neuger
[print] From Inclusion to Justice: Disability, Ministry, and Congregational Leadership / Erin Raffety
[ebook] The Speed Method, Awareness in Four Steps: Lonergan’s Approach for Pastoral and Spiritual Counseling / Barbara Marchica
[ebook] Speaking across Generations: Messages that Satisfy Boomers, Xers, Millennials, Gen Z, and Beyond / Darrell E. Hall
[ebook] Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Orthodox and Evangelical Approaches to Discipleship and Christian Formation / edited by Mark Oxbrow and Tim Grass
[ebook] Celebrities for Jesus: How Personas, Platforms, and Profits Are Hurting the Church /Katelyn Beaty [personal fame and evangelicalism]
[print] Sans Jésus, Nous ne Pouvons Rien Faire: Être Missionnaire dans le Monde d’Aujourd’hui / Pope Francis and Gianni Valente
[ebook] The Golden Cord: St. John Chrysostom’s Vision for the Family Revisited / Kristin A. Vargas
[print] The Golden Cord: St. John Chrysostom’s Vision for the Family Revisited / Kristin A. Vargas
[print] The Grandparent Vocation: Wisdom, Legacies, and Spiritual Growth / Richard P. Olson
[ebook] Eucharistic Adoration after Vatican II / Edward Foley
[ebook] Making Connections: Integrative Theological Education in Africa / edited by Marilyn Naidoo
[print] Tragic Dilemmas in Christian Ethics / Kate Jackson-Meyer [moral injury after combat]
[print] The Varieties of Spiritual Experience: 21st Century Research and Perspectives / David B. Yaden
[ebook] The First Fruits of Prayer: A Forty Day Journey through the Canon of St. Andrew / Frederica Mathewes Green
[ebook] The Little Flowers of Saint Francis / Brother Ugolino Boniscambi; translated by Jon M. Sweeney
[ebook] Julian of Norwich: A Contemplative Biography / Amy Frykholm
[ebook] The Cloud of Unknowing / edited by Bernard Bangley
[ebook] The Memorial of the Abundance of the Divine Sweetness / Gertrude the Great (Cistercian Fathers Series, 88)
[print] Hildegard von Bingen in the Heart of God: Liber Divinorum Operum : the Lucca Miniatures / Sara Salvadori
[print] Maître Eckhart en Questions: Questions et Réponses “Allemandes” des “Discours” d’Erfurt aux “Sermons” de Cologne / Loris Sturlese
[print] “Jetez-Vous en Dieu”: Initiation à Maître Eckhart / Suzanne Eck
[print] El Autógrafo de los Ejercicios Espirituales = The Autograph Copy of the Spiritual Exercises / Ignacio de Loyola
[print] Ignatian Christian Life: A New Paradigm / Rossano Zas Friz De Col
[print] Voir Dieu en Toutes Choses: Prières et Textes Ignatiens / Paul Legavre
[ebook] The Complete Fenelon / Francois Fenelon; translated and edited by Robert J. Edmonson and Hal M. Helms
[ebook] Lettres / Thérèse de Lisieux [in French]
[ebook] Poésies et prières / Thérèse de Lisieux [in French]
[ebook] The Story of a Soul: A New Translation / Thérèse de Lisieux; translated and edited by Robert J. Edmonson
[ebook] Teresa of Calcutta: Dark Night, Active Love / Jon M. Sweeney (People of God Series)
[ebook] To Love and Be Loved: A Personal Portrait of Mother Teresa / Jim Towey
[ebook] In Him Alone is our Hope: Texts on the Heart of Christ, Selected Letters and Addresses / Pedro Arrupe
[print] À L’École de la Prière à la Suite du Christ / Benedict XVI
[ebook] Thousands and Thousands of Lovers: Sense of Community among the Nuns of Helfta / Anna Harrison (Cistercian Studies Series, 289)
[print] Le Sillon: A Lay Catholic Movement that Transformed France / Linda Marie Arbour
[print] Come Dance with Me: A Medicine Wheel Practice of Anishinaabe Catholic Interculturation of Faith / Eva Solomon
[ebook] Liberating Mindfulness: From Billion-Dollar Industry to Engaged Spirituality / Gail J. Stearns
[ebook] Forming Fathers: Seminary Wisdom for Every Priest / Carter Griffin
[print] Manuel de l’accompagnement spirituel / Paul-Hervé Vintrou
[print] Spiritual Diversity in Psychotherapy: Engaging the Sacred in Clinical Practice / edited by Steven J. Sandage and Brad D. Strawn
[print] Comment Discerner / Pascal Ide
[print] Women Engaging the Catholic Social Tradition: Solidarity Toward the Common Good / edited by Erin Brigham and Mary Johnson
[ebook] Unlearning White Supremacy: A Spirituality for Racial Liberation / Alex Mikulich
[ebook] Wealth, Poverty, and Human Destiny / edited by Doug Bandow and David Schindler [capitalism, good or bad?]
[ebook] Forgiveness and Politics: A Critical Appraisal / Kethoser Aniu Kevichusa [Northern Ireland, and the Nagas of India and Myanmar]
[print and ebook] Unsettling Canadian Art History / edited by Erin Morton
[print] Naked Pastor 101: Cartoons / by David Hayward [cartoons by Canadian pastor]
[print] Without a Vision My People Prosper / David Hayward [cartoons by Canadian pastor]
[ebook] The Fool and the Heretic: How Two Scientists Moved Beyond Labels to a Christian Dialogue About Creation and Evolution / Todd Charles Wood and Darrel R. Falk