New Titles in Theology, November 18 to December 31, 2022

Links for ebooks go directly to the ebook (after patron authentication). Links for print books go to the University of Toronto Library Catalogue record where patrons can obtain a call number or submit a pickup request.

Bracketed explanatory comments are written by Noel S. McFerran, Theology Librarian.

To suggest a title not already owned by any of the libraries at the University of Toronto, email Noel S. McFerran (


[print] The Text of Acts of the Apostles in the Writings of Origen / Stanley N. Helton 

[print] Contre Julien / Cyrille D’Alexandrie 


[ebook] The Ecumenical Councils of the Catholic Church: A History / Joseph F. Kelly 

[ebook] Breakspear: The English Pope / R. A. J. Wadddingham [Pope Adrian IV, 1154-1159] 

[ebook] Native American Catholic Studies Reader: History and Theology / Ben Black Bear Jr. and David J. Endres [essays] 

[print] Cinque Secoli di Litterae Indipetae: Il Desiderio delle Missioni nella Compagnia di Gesù / edited by Girolamo Imbruglia, Pierre-Antoine Fabre, and Guido Mongini [letters from Jesuit missionaries in Italian, French, and English] 

[print] Jesuits in Africa: A Historical Narrative From Ignatius of Loyola to Pedro Arrupe / Festo Mkenda 

[print and ebook] Kateri Tekahkwitha: Traverser le Miroir Colonial / Jean-François Roussel 

[print and ebook] Angelo Zottoli, a Jesuit Missionary in China (1848 to 1902): His Life and Ideas / Antonio De Caro 

[ebook] Competing Catholicisms: The Jesuits, the Vatican and the Making of Postcolonial French Africa / Jean-Luc Enyegue 

[ebook] Christianity and Empire in South Manipur Hills: Senvon Encounter and the Dialogic Zo Peoples / Samuel G. Ngaihte [border between India and Myanmar] 


[ebook] Ecclesial Exegesis: A Synthesis of Ancient and Modern Approaches to Scripture / Gregory Vall (Verbum Domini, 3) 

[ebook] The Word of a Humble God: The Origins, Inspiration, and Interpretation of Scripture / Karen R. Keen and Michael Graves 

[ebook] Irrevocable: The Name of God and the Unity of the Christian Bible / R. Kendall Soulen [God’s proper name, the Tetragrammaton] 

[print and ebook] Onto Center Stage: The Biblical Woman / Sara Reguer 

[ebook] Solomon Described Plants: A Botanical Guide to Plant Life in the Bible / Lytton John Musselman 

[ebook] The Book of Revolutions: The Battles of Priests, Prophets, and Kings that Birthed the Torah / Edward Feld 

[ebook] Torah Encounters: Numbers / Daniel Pressman 

[ebook] Our Reason for Being: An Exposition of Ecclesiastes on the Meaning of Life / T. F. Leong 

[print] Witnesses to the Ends of the Earth: New Testament Reflections on Mission / Francis J. Moloney 

[ebook] Jesus and the Nations: Discipleship and Mission in the Gospel of Matthew / Cedric E. W. Vine 

[print] Being and Becoming: Human Transformation in the Letters of Paul / Frederick David Carr 

[ebook] Super-Abundant Grace: Reflections on Romans / Keith D. Stanglin 

[ebook] Induction and Example: A Rhetorical Exegesis in the Letter of Galatians / C. T. Johnson 

[ebook] Women, Salvation, and Childbearing: The Mystery of 1 Timothy 2:11-15 / Kenneth L. Waters 

[ebook] Called to Suffer: The Necessity of Suffering in Christian Formation in First Peter / Frans-Johan Pienaar 


[ebook] Nicene Christianity: The Future for a New Ecumenism / edited by Christopher Seitz 

[ebook] Evangelicals and Nicene Faith: Reclaiming the Apostolic Witness / edited by Timothy George (Beeson Divinity Studies, 1) 

[ebook] My Dear Far-Nearness: The Holy Trinity as a Spiritual Practice / Robert A. Jonas 

[ebook] Three in One: Analogies for the Trinity / William David Spencer 

[ebook] The Trinity in the Book of Revelation: Seeing Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in John’s Apocalypse / Brandon D. Smith 

[ebook] As I Have Loved You: Rediscovering Our Salvation in Christ / Timothy Vavarek 

[ebook] The Giver of Life: The Holy Spirit in Orthodox Tradition / John W. Oliver 

[ebook] Eschatology and Hope / Anthony Kelly (Theology in Global Perspective) 

[ebook] Faith and the Sacraments: A Commentary on The International Theological Commission’s The Reciprocity of Faith and Sacraments in the Sacramental Economy: With Official Revised English Translation / International Theological ComMission, Thomas G. Weinandy 

[ebook] The Predestination of Humans and Angels: Augustinus, Tome III, Bk. IX / Cornelius Jansen (Early Modern Catholic Sources, 4) [English translation of the heart of the book which shook 17th century Catholicism] 

[ebook] The Human in a Dehumanizing World: Reexaming Theological Anthropology and Its Implications / edited by Jessica Coblentz and Daniel P. Horan (College Theology Society, annual volume 67) 

[print] L’Humain, Image Filiale de Dieu: Une Anthropologie Théologique en Dialogue avec l’Exégèse / Christof Betschart 

[print] The Home of God: A Brief Story of Everything / Miroslav Volf [how God makes a home for his creatures] 

[print and ebook] Beyond the Pandemic: Spiritual and Ecological Challenges / Diarmuid D’Murchu 

[print] Our Faithful Departed: Where They Are and Why It Matters / Leonard J. DeLorenzo 

[ebook] Liberation against Entitlement: Conflicting Theologies of Grace and Clashing Populisms / Tim Noble [Brazil, Czech Republic, and Fratelli tutti] 

[print] Tilling the Church: Theology for an Unfinished Project / Richard Lennan 

[ebook] Christ’s Descent into Hell: John Paul II, Joseph Ratzinger, and Hans Urs von Balthasar on the Theology of Holy Saturday / Lyra Pitstick 

[print] The Holy Trinity: Hans Urs Von Balthasar and His Sources / Katy Leamy 

[print] The Dramatizing of Theology: Humanity’s Participation in God’s Drama / Matthew S. Farlow [Balthasar and Barth] 

[ebook] Ratzinger’s Augustinianism and Evangelicalism: An Exploration in Ecumenical Rapprochement / Patrick G. McGlinchey 

[ebook] The Word Made Love: The Dialogical Theology of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI / Christopher S. Collins 

[print] Témoins du Message Chrétien Benoît XVI / Benedict XVI  

[print] Le Pape François de “Laudato Si'” à “Fratelli Tutti”: Une Herméneutique Philosophique, Politique et Théologique / BenoîtAwazi-Mbambi-Kungua 

[print] Transformer l’Église: Quelques Propositions à la Lumière de Fratelli Tutti / edited by Michel Camdessus and Hervé Legrand 

Christian Faith and Human Understanding: Studies on the Eucharist, Trinity, and the Human Person / Robert Sokolowski [essays on faith and reason] 


[print and ebook] Lay Pastoral Care: A Narrative Approach / Joretta L. Marshall and Christie Cozad Neuger 

[print] From Inclusion to Justice: Disability, Ministry, and Congregational Leadership / Erin Raffety 

[ebook] The Speed Method, Awareness in Four Steps: Lonergan’s Approach for Pastoral and Spiritual Counseling / Barbara Marchica 

[ebook] Speaking across Generations: Messages that Satisfy Boomers, Xers, Millennials, Gen Z, and Beyond / Darrell E. Hall 

[ebook] Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ: Orthodox and Evangelical Approaches to Discipleship and Christian Formation / edited by Mark Oxbrow and Tim Grass 

[ebook] Celebrities for Jesus: How Personas, Platforms, and Profits Are Hurting the Church /Katelyn Beaty [personal fame and evangelicalism] 

[print] Sans Jésus, Nous ne Pouvons Rien Faire: Être Missionnaire dans le Monde d’Aujourd’hui / Pope Francis and Gianni Valente 

[ebook] The Golden Cord: St. John Chrysostom’s Vision for the Family Revisited / Kristin A. Vargas 

[print] The Golden Cord: St. John Chrysostom’s Vision for the Family Revisited / Kristin A. Vargas 

[print] The Grandparent Vocation: Wisdom, Legacies, and Spiritual Growth / Richard P. Olson 

[ebook] Eucharistic Adoration after Vatican II / Edward Foley 

[ebook] Making Connections: Integrative Theological Education in Africa / edited by Marilyn Naidoo 

[print] Tragic Dilemmas in Christian Ethics / Kate Jackson-Meyer [moral injury after combat] 


[print] The Varieties of Spiritual Experience: 21st Century Research and Perspectives / David B. Yaden 

[ebook] The First Fruits of Prayer: A Forty Day Journey through the Canon of St. Andrew / Frederica Mathewes Green 

[ebook] The Little Flowers of Saint Francis / Brother Ugolino Boniscambi; translated by Jon M. Sweeney 

[ebook] Julian of Norwich: A Contemplative Biography / Amy Frykholm 

[ebook] The Cloud of Unknowing / edited by Bernard Bangley 

[ebook] The Memorial of the Abundance of the Divine Sweetness / Gertrude the Great (Cistercian Fathers Series, 88) 

[print] Hildegard von Bingen in the Heart of God: Liber Divinorum Operum : the Lucca Miniatures / Sara Salvadori 

[print] Maître Eckhart en Questions: Questions et Réponses “Allemandes” des “Discours” d’Erfurt aux “Sermons” de Cologne / Loris Sturlese 

[print] “Jetez-Vous en Dieu”: Initiation à Maître Eckhart / Suzanne Eck 

[print] El Autógrafo de los Ejercicios Espirituales = The Autograph Copy of the Spiritual Exercises / Ignacio de Loyola 

[print] Ignatian Christian Life: A New Paradigm / Rossano Zas Friz De Col 

[print] Voir Dieu en Toutes Choses: Prières et Textes Ignatiens / Paul Legavre 

[ebook] The Complete Fenelon / Francois Fenelon; translated and edited by Robert J. Edmonson and Hal M. Helms 

[ebook] Lettres / Thérèse de Lisieux [in French] 

[ebook] Poésies et prières / Thérèse de Lisieux [in French] 

[ebook] The Story of a Soul: A New Translation / Thérèse de Lisieux; translated and edited by Robert J. Edmonson 

[ebook] Teresa of Calcutta: Dark Night, Active Love / Jon M. Sweeney (People of God Series) 

[ebook] To Love and Be Loved: A Personal Portrait of Mother Teresa / Jim Towey 

[ebook] In Him Alone is our Hope: Texts on the Heart of Christ, Selected Letters and Addresses / Pedro Arrupe 

[print] À L’École de la Prière à la Suite du Christ / Benedict XVI  

[ebook] Thousands and Thousands of Lovers: Sense of Community among the Nuns of Helfta / Anna Harrison (Cistercian Studies Series, 289) 

[print] Le Sillon: A Lay Catholic Movement that Transformed France / Linda Marie Arbour 

[print] Come Dance with Me: A Medicine Wheel Practice of Anishinaabe Catholic Interculturation of Faith / Eva Solomon 

[ebook] Liberating Mindfulness: From Billion-Dollar Industry to Engaged Spirituality / Gail J. Stearns 

[ebook] Forming Fathers: Seminary Wisdom for Every Priest / Carter Griffin 

[print] Manuel de l’accompagnement spirituel / Paul-Hervé Vintrou 

[print] Spiritual Diversity in Psychotherapy: Engaging the Sacred in Clinical Practice / edited by Steven J. Sandage and Brad D. Strawn 

[print] Comment Discerner / Pascal Ide  


[print] Women Engaging the Catholic Social Tradition: Solidarity Toward the Common Good / edited by Erin Brigham and Mary Johnson 

[ebook] Unlearning White Supremacy: A Spirituality for Racial Liberation / Alex Mikulich 

[ebook] Wealth, Poverty, and Human Destiny / edited by Doug Bandow and David Schindler [capitalism, good or bad?]  

[ebook] Forgiveness and Politics: A Critical Appraisal / Kethoser Aniu Kevichusa [Northern Ireland, and the Nagas of India and Myanmar] 


[print and ebook] Unsettling Canadian Art History / edited by Erin Morton 

[print] Naked Pastor 101: Cartoons / by David Hayward [cartoons by Canadian pastor] 

[print] Without a Vision My People Prosper / David Hayward [cartoons by Canadian pastor] 


[ebook] The Fool and the Heretic: How Two Scientists Moved Beyond Labels to a Christian Dialogue About Creation and Evolution / Todd Charles Wood and Darrel R. Falk