Terms of Reference

1. Statement of Purpose

In an effort to maintain open communication between the St. Mike’s undergraduate student body and the administration of the John M. Kelly Library and Library staff, the John M. Kelly Library Undergraduate Student Advisory Council (the “Library Advisory Council”) is established to:

  • Provide a mechanism for students to share suggestions directly with the John M. Kelly Library Chief Librarian and Library staff;
  • Solicit student opinions and suggestions regarding existing library programs, services, resources, and facilities;  
  • Involve student feedback in the development of new library programs, services, resources, and facility enhancements;
  • Share news and updates about the Library with the St. Mike’s undergraduate community.

2. Membership

The Kelly Library Student Advisory Council is intended to embrace the various experiences, opinions, and concerns of the entire St. Mike’s and wider undergraduate student body regarding the Kelly Library. As such, it will be inclusive of both St. Mike’s undergraduate students as well as students taking courses in St. Mike’s programs (Book and Media Studies, Celtic Studies, Christianity and Culture, and Mediaeval Studies). University of Toronto undergraduate students not otherwise affiliated with St. Mike’s, but who actively use the Kelly Library, are also invited to apply. 

The University of St. Michael’s College and the John M. Kelly Library are committed to diversity and inclusion in their work. Therefore, the Council should be comprised of a diverse group of students who can help to make the Library an inclusive and accessible space for all patrons. The Library encourages participation on the Council by racialized persons / persons of colour, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, international students, persons who identify as LBGTQ2SIA+, and others who will contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

A. Student Membership

The Council will include no fewer than eight registered students. Students will be appointed, whenever possible, according to the following guidelines:

  • Appointed representatives will demonstrate an active interest in libraries and/or in undergraduate research, engagement with the campus community, and spirit of collaboration;
  • The Council composition will include:
    • At least one representative from St. Mike’s undergraduate programs;
    • At least one student living in residence at St. Mike’s;
    • At least one student who commutes to campus;
    • At least one first-year student enrolled at St. Mike’s;
    • At least one upper year student enrolled at St. Mike’s;
  • Students should apply to join the Council through a process publicized by the Library through student listservs, the Kelly Library website, and other means;
  • The Chief Librarian of the John M. Kelly Library will select the representatives in consultation with Kelly Library staff;
  • Each student member shall be appointed from October until April;
  • Members may be re-appointed.

B. John M. Kelly Library Staff Membership

  • Up to two conveners from the Library staff will facilitate meetings and outreach.
  • Other library staff members and guests may be invited in accordance with agenda topics.

3. Meeting Policies

  • The Library Advisory Council will meet at least twice during the academic year. Meetings may be canceled or rescheduled at the discretion of the conveners;
  • The first meeting of the new Library Advisory Council will occur no later than mid-November and will be convened by the conveners;
  • Meetings will be scheduled for no more than 90 minutes in length;
  • Meetings will be held in-person at the John M. Kelly Library, 113 St. Joseph Street;
  • Attendance at all meetings is expected for members of the Advisory Council. If a member is unable to attend a meeting, they should contact the conveners to advise they will be unable to attend;
  • If a member of the Advisory Council is no longer able to fulfill their duties, they are to notify the conveners in writing.

4. Council Operations

  • The conveners will set an agenda in collaboration with the Chief Librarian and distribute it to members in advance of the meeting. Members may submit agenda items to the conveners for consideration no fewer than three days prior to scheduled meetings;
  • Conveners will record minutes for the meetings and circulate to members by email for additions and corrections. Council minutes, as well as feedback, suggestions, discussion, and project work, may be shared with library staff and the USMC administration. Minutes may be transferred to the University of St. Michael’s College Archives; 
  • At the end of the academic year, the conveners will submit a report that summarizes the work done by the Council over the previous year, along with recommendations for the next Council. The report will be submitted to the Chief Librarian and shared with library staff once approved. The report may be shared with USMC administration and transferred to the University of St. Michael’s College Archives.
  • In addition to formal meetings, conveners may occasionally reach out to members for rapid feedback on library projects.