
The St. Mike’s Writing and Research Help Centre offers personalised one-on-one appointments with friendly and experienced research librarians and writing instructors to level up your writing, thinking, and research skills. We’re located in the Kelly Library and can work with you either in-person or online.

Writing and Research Help Centre Services

What kinds of assignments can I get help with?

  • Essays
  • Research papers and projects
  • Response papers, book reviews, and critiques
  • Presentations
  • Reports, including science reports
  • Graduate school and scholarship applications

Please note that we’re not able to help with final exams or preparations for standardized tests (e.g., GRE, IELTS).

Should I book a “Find & Cite Sources” appointment or a “Writing” appointment?

If you are looking for help finding books and articles, finding primary sources, figuring out how to use the library, narrowing your research topic, coming up with a research question, understanding the research process, or citation styles and your bibliography, book an appointment with a librarian to Find & Cite Sources.

If you are looking for feedback on a writing assignment, developing a thesis, improving the structure or organization of your paper, or clarifying your grammar and style, book an appointment with a writing instructor for Writing Help

Will writing instructors copy edit my essay?

Our goal is to help you develop your own skills in writing, revising, and editing your own work. While they do not proofread your essays, they can advise on organization and style, and they can identify recurring grammatical challenges.

Should I make an appointment if I already get good grades?

Yes! Experienced writers often seek out revision and editing help, outside insights, and feedback to improve their work. Think of your writing session as an opportunity to discuss your work with another experienced writer.

As researchers, we can sometimes get stuck in our habits or stick to known tools. Chat with a librarian to uncover advanced search strategies, databases you haven’t known about, and approaches to research. 

Can you help me on science assignments?

Yes! Visit us to talk about theses, presentation of your evidence, and the conventions of different genres of scientific writing. 

We can also work with you on strategies to make your writing more concise and impactful.

Can you help me if my first language isn’t English?

Absolutely! You can benefit from meeting with any writing instructor. If you’d like to make an appointment with an ELL specialist, narrow the appointment listings to “English-as-a-second-language-assistance” from the “Display Options” drop-down menu.

Can you help me with GenAI?

  • We offer a safe space to ask your questions about the use of GenAI.
  • We can help you understand GenAI policies at UofT.
  • We can help you understand your instructor’s policies about the use of GenAI.

Please note that if you have questions about an academic integrity case that is already in process, you should contact your Registrar’s office.

Can you help me with the content of my assignment?

Because we are not content experts in your field, our focus is on helping you excel at the research process and in developing your writing skills more generally.

You may find it helpful to talk through your ideas and explain a complex subject to someone who is not studying what you are studying. While we can’t give you feedback on the accuracy of your content, we can be a sounding board for your thoughts, ask you exploratory questions, and help you think through your project.

Can you help me with study habits, note-taking, time management, academic stress, and planning? 

Teaching effective study habits, note-taking, time management, and all skills needed to help you succeed is best done by a Learning Strategist. Get help from a learning strategist for guidance on learning how to learn and effective student strategies.

Learning strategists help you develop new strategies for active studying and exam preparation, learn to manage time and stress, improve your project management and presentation skill, and navigate University resources. St. Mike’s has dedicated learning strategists that you can meet at the Kelly Library.

Appointments are 45 minutes long and can be either in-person at the Kelly Library or online.

Book an appointment with the SMC Learning Strategist.

Where else can I get help on campus?

General Student Support Services

The University of Toronto’s Accessibility Services assists in navigating disability-related barriers to your academic success at U of T for an on-going or temporary disability. They provide services and supports for learning, problem solving and inclusion. Learn more about Accessibility Services.

Call 911 if you require urgent help.

If you need to talk to someone right now, call UofT Telus Health Student Support at 1-844-451-9700. This service is available 24/7. Outside of North America, call 001-416-380-6578. Learn more about the Telus Heath Student Support service.

St. Mike’s Health & Wellness offers both counseling appointments and wellness appointments, as well as workshops and events. The Wellness Studio offers classes in yoga, Taijutsu, dance fitness, boxing, crochet, and martial arts. Learn more about St. Mike’s Health and Wellness.

Offered through UofT’s Student Life Centre the Peer Mentor services offers help with studying, setting and achieving goals, preparing a study schedule, and navigating the University’s structures and services by setting students up with a peer mentor on campus. Learn more about the University of Toronto’s Peer Mentor program.

St. Mike’s also has its own program, St. Mike’s Peer Mentorship Program. The St. Mike’s Mentorship Program is designed to support the transition of first-year students into St. Mike’s and university life. The program provides trained, upper-year students who model positive qualities and foster personalized relationships with each mentee. Learn more about the St. Mike’s Peer Mentorship Program.

The Registrar’s Office at St. Mike’s is the first stop for academic advice. There, students will find highly professional advisors with a wealth of experience in all areas of academic life at the University of St. Michael’s College and at the University of Toronto. Assistance with registration, course selection, program selection and scheduling are all available. In addition, advisors can provide students with guidance regarding workloads relative to other aspects of their time on campus. Learn more about the St. Mike’s Registrar’s Office.

Discipline-Specific Help

The Victoria College Office of the Registrar and Academic Advising offers free peer tutoring for first-year courses in chemistry, math, and physics. Sessions are open to all students in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Peer Tutors provide “drop-in” style tutoring. You can receive help with concepts and textbook questions. Learn more about chemistry, math, and physics tutoring.

St. Mike’s has a Computer Science Success Centre that provides a ‘drop-in’ opportunity for students to connect with a TA for one-on-one support in their CSC courses. Email with your name, student number, and which CSC courses you are enrolled in. Learn more about computer science supports on campus.

The Economics Study Centre is staffed by third and fourth year undergraduate students who act as Learning Assistants (LA) to Economics and Commerce students. The Learning Assistants assist students on a one-to-one basis or in study groups. Learn more about the Economics Study Centre.

The SMC Math Success Centre provides an opportunity for students to connect with a TA for one-on-one support in their math (MAT) courses. Email with your name, student number, and which MAT courses you are enrolled in. Learn more about the SMC Math Success Centre

Run by the Department of Philosophy, TAs provide students with extra help with PHL245H, Modern Symbolic Logic. Learn more about the Philosophy Logic Lab.

Run by the Department of Statistics, TAs are available in-person and online to help support students from a wide range of our STA courses. The aid centre provides general help to all undergraduate students taking a course in statistics or actuarial science. Learn more about the Statistics Aid Centre.