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Bracketed explanatory comments are written by Noel S. McFerran, Theology Librarian.
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The highlight this month is a new book by Professor Jean-Pierre Fortin:
[ebook] Evolving Grace: The Spiritual History of a Christian Doctrine / Jean-Pierre Fortin
Also four books by Sheptytsky Institute Visiting Scholar Father Jack Custer:
[print] It Is the Day of Resurrection: The Forty Days of Pascha / Jack Custer
[print] Rejoice Isaiah: A Lenten Journey with the Prophet / Jack Custer
[print] Rejoice, You Bring Opposites Together: Poetry and Theology in the Akathist Hymn to the Theotokos / Jack Custer
[print] Praying the Psalms in the Byzantine Church / Jack Custer
[ebook] God, Philosophy, Universities: A Selective History of the Catholic Philosophical Tradition / Alasdair C. Macintyre
[print] I Came To Cast Fire: An Introduction to René Girard / Elias Carr
[ebook] Restoring the Gospels’ Jewish Voice: André Chouraqui and the Intersection of Biblical Translation and Interfaith Dialogue / Murray K. Watson
[ebook] Swami Abhishiktananda: His Life Told through His Letters / James Stuart [French Benedictine monk]
[print] Une émulation de sainteté: hindouisme et christianisme en dialogue / Yann Vagneux
[ebook] The Hiding Place / Corrie Ten Boom [Dutch Christians hiding Jews during World War II]
[ebook] The Scandal of the Incarnation: Irenaeus against the Heresies / selected and introduced by Hans Urs von Balthasar
[ebook] The Confessions / Augustine of Hippo; translated by Maria Boulding
[ebook] The Theology of Augustine: An Introductory Guide to His Most Important Works / Matthew Levering
[ebook] The Life of Our Sacred Father Hypatius of the Rufinianae / Callinicus (Cistercian Studies Series, 301) [biography of abbot near Constantinople]
[ebook] The Catholic Church: A Short History / Hans Küng
[print] The Baton and the Cross: Russia’s Church from Pagans to Putin / Lucy Ash
[ebook] Anthony of Padua: Franciscan, Preacher, Teacher, Saint / Valentin Strappazzon
[ebook] Men of God: Mendicant Orders in Colonial Mexico / edited by Asunción Lavrin
[ebook] Mother Teresa: Just a Pencil in God’s Hand: Reflections in Honor of a Saint / edited by Brian Kolodiejchuk
[ebook] George Cardinal Pell, Pax Invictis: A Biography / Tess Livingstone
[print] The Jesuits: A Thematic History / by Claudio Ferlan
[print] The First Italian Indipetae: Jesuit Petitions for the Indies (1557-80) / edited by Emanuele Colombo, Irene Gaddo, and Guido Mongini [Jesuit requests to serve in missions]
[print] Il cerimoniale per i missionari del Giappone / Alessandro Valignano [instructions for Jesuit missionaries in 16th century Japan]
[print] Confessions: The Autobiography of Pedro de Ribadeneira and Other Writings / edited by Paul V. Murphy [16th century Jesuit]
[ebook] Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II / George Weigel
[ebook] Wounded Shepherd: Pope Francis and His Struggle to Convert the Catholic Church / Austen Ivereigh
[ebook] The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope / Austen Ivereigh
[ebook] Hope: The Autobiography / Pope Francis
[ebook] Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible / E. Randolph Richards and Brandon J. O’Brien [lots about the Bible, but more about different cultures]
[ebook] Sensing World, Sensing Wisdom: The Cognitive Foundation of Biblical Metaphors / Nicole L. Tilford [seeing, hearing, speaking, touching, ingesting, breathing, moving]
[ebook] Friendship in the Book of Job: Art, Context, and Theology from an African Perspective / Mark S. Aidoo
[ebook] Behind the Scenes of the New Testament: Cultural, Social, and Historical Contexts / edited by Bruce W. Longenecker, Elizabeth E. Shively, and T. J. Lang
[ebook] The Case for Jesus: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ / Brant Pitre
[ebook] The Gospel of Mark: A Theological Reading / José Enrique Aguilar Chiu
[ebook] Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans / Peter Abelard (Fathers of the Church, Medieval Continuation, 12)
[ebook] Because God Is Real: Sixteen Questions, One Answer / Peter Kreeft
[ebook] Does God Exist?: An Answer for Today / Hans Küng
[ebook] The God Who Loves You: “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” / Peter Kreeft
[ebook] Why God?: Stories to Inspire Faith / Richard Leonard [Jesuit author]
[ebook] Christology: A Global Introduction / Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, 2nd edition
[ebook] The Emergent Christ: Exploring the Meaning of Catholic in an Evolutionary Universe / Ilia Delio
[ebook] Catholic Dogmatic Theology: A Synthesis, Book 3: On the Church and the Sacraments / Jean-Hervé Nicolas
[ebook] Pilgrim Fellowship of Faith: The Church as Communion / Benedict XVI
[ebook] Church Membership as a Catholic and Ecumenical Problem / Avery Dulles
[ebook] Confessions of a Cafeteria Catholic / Peter Kreeft and Nat Whilk
[ebook] Catholics and Protestants: What Can We Learn from Each Other? / Peter Kreeft
[ebook] Ecclesiology in Africa / edited by David K. Ngaruiya and Rodney L. Reed [essays from the annual conference of the Africa Society of Evangelical Theology]
[print] Why Christ Rejects All Church Prejudice Against Women: Meditations / John Wijngaards
[print] Heresy Disguised as Tradition / Pedro Gabriel
[ebook] Eternal Life?: Life after Death as a Medical, Philosophical, and Theological Problem / Hans Küng
[ebook] A Brief Life of Thomas Aquinas: The Theologian in His Context / Jean-Pierre Torrell
[ebook] Earth’s Journey into Hope: Reflections on Thomas Berry’s Great Work / Brian Edward Brown
[ebook] The Gift of Creation: Theological Reflections on Ecology, Metaphysics, and Politics / edited by Mátyás Szalay
[ebook] Green Saints for a Green Generation / edited by Libby Osgood
[ebook] A Natural History of Empty Lots: Field Notes from Urban Edgelands, Back Alleys, and Other Wild Places / Christopher Brown
[ebook] H Is for Hope: Climate Change from A to Z / Elizabeth Kolbert
[ebook] We Will Be Jaguars: A Memoir of My People / Nemonte Nenquimo and Mitch Anderson [activist from the Waorani tribe of Ecuador’s Amazon rainforest]
[ebook] Becoming a Pastoral Parish Council: A Guide for a Synodal Church / Patricia Carroll
[ebook] A Seminarian’s Toolbox: Preparing for Parish Leadership / edited by Patrick Stokely
[ebook] All Christians Are Monks: The Monastery, the Parish and the Renewal of the Church / George Guiver
[ebook] An Analytic Theology of Evangelism: A Classical Theist’s Approach / Tyler Dalton McNabb
[ebook] One Baptism–One Church?: A History and Theology of the Reception of Baptized Christians / Kimberly Hope-Belcher, Nathan P. Chase, and Alexander Turpin
[ebook] The Origins of the Canon of Hippolytus / Nathan Chase and Maxwell E. Johnson
[ebook] Mixed Marriages: An Orthodox History / Anthony Roeber
[ebook] The Sacrament of Same-Sex Marriage: An Inclusive Vision for the Catholic Church / Bridget Burke Ravizza
[ebook] Orthodox Liturgy and Anti-Judaism / edited by Alexandru Ioniță and Stefan Tobler
[print] Antiphonale Romanum ; tome I, In dominicis et festis ad laudes matutinas cum invitatoriis / Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes [Gregorian chant for the Liturgy of the Hours]
[ebook] You Don’t Need to Forgive: Trauma Recovery on Your Own Terms / Amanda Ann Gregory
[ebook] The Monastic Heart: 50 Simple Practices for a Contemplative and Fulfilling Life / Joan Chittister
[ebook] Dorothy Day: Spiritual Writings / edited by Robert Ellsberg (Modern Spiritual Masters)
[ebook] Be Transformed: A Biblical Journey toward a More Just World / Micah D. Kiel [Catholic social teaching]
[print] The Social Encyclicals and Saint Thomas Aquinas / Donald G Boland
[ebook] On the Dignity of Society: Catholic Social Teaching and Natural Law / F. Russell Hittinger
[ebook] Toxic Empathy: How Progressives Exploit Christian Compassion / Allie Beth Stuckey
[print] The Gender Revolution: A Global Agenda, A Tool for Discernment / Marguerite A. Peeters
[ebook] Who Are You, and Who Am I?: Biblical and Anthropological Models for Understanding Each Other [cultural interactions]
[ebook] Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty in the United States / Helen Prejean
[ebook] The Death of Innocents: An Eyewitness Account of Wrongful Executions / Helen Prejean
[ebook] Accountability, Healing, and Trust: Interdisciplinary Reflections for Ministry in the Midst of the Catholic Sex Abuse Crisis / edited by Kimberly Hope Belcher
[ebook] The Ethics of Disruption in Business: Contributions from Design Thinking and Catholic Social Thought / Stephanie Ann Puen
[ebook] The Role of the Congolese Catholic Church: Promotion of Economic and Social Justice in Relation to Oil / Herman-Habib Kibangou
[ebook] Easy French Reader: A Three-Part Text for Beginning Students / R. de Roussy de Sales, 4th edition
[ebook] A Short Course in Reading French / Celia Brickman
[ebook] The Evidential Power of Beauty: Science and Theology Meet / Thomas Dubay