Undergraduate Student Advisory Council

Do you love the Kelly Library? Join our new John M. Kelly Library Undergraduate Student Advisory Council! You’ll have the opportunity to improve Kelly’s services for students and give direct feedback to the library by meeting with library staff once each semester.

What We’ll Talk About

Contribute your voice to help shape library programs and initiatives. We want to know what you think makes a library great. Topics for discussion could include new programs, library spaces, hours of operations, web and social media presence, and more. Your feedback will be shared with the Chief Librarian.

How It Works

We’ll meet twice a year on Friday, November 8th, 2024 and Friday, March 21st, 2025 from 1-2:30pm. Pizza and refreshments will be provided. Meetings are casual, and you don’t need to prepare anything. We may also reach out to you by email throughout the year for quick feedback on library initiatives. For more information, see our Terms of Reference.

Why Join?

Contribute directly to library discussions and make your voice heard. We will also invite you to choose a book to feature in the Kelly Library collections (subject to librarian discretion). As an additional thank you, all Council members will receive a gift card to the Kelly Cafe. 

Who Can Apply?

Any undergraduate student enrolled at St. Mike’s or in a St. Mike’s program may apply. UofT undergraduate students who are not otherwise affiliated with St. Mike’s but who regularly use Kelly Library are also invited to apply. The Library encourages participation on the Council by racialized persons / persons of colour, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, international students, persons who identify as LBGTQ2SIA+, and others who will contribute to the further diversification of ideas. A total of eight students will be selected to participate in the Council.


Fill out a short application form by October 11, 2024. We will be in touch soon after. For questions, contact reference.kellylibrary@utoronto.ca.