To all those who realize the power of the written word to inspire the mind and fire the imagination:
The decision to build the John M. Kelly Library in 1967 was, in the words of the late USMC President, Father Laurence K. Shook, CSB, “epoch-making both for its magnificence and its vision.” Ever since, the Kelly Library has remained the academic heart of St. Mike’s and is one of the largest and most active libraries at the University of Toronto.
It is our distinct privilege to invite you to become a member of the Friends of the John M. Kelly Library. By so doing, you will help to ensure that the library continues its vital mission of supporting the personal and intellectual endeavours of all those who come to St. Mike’s now and in the future. The purpose of the Friends will be to raise funds and plan activities and events to enrich the resources of the Kelly library.
As a Friend, you can help:
- Preserve and enhance the special collections: such as the Soulerin Collection (the original Founders collection of St. Michael’s), the archives of Twentieth Century Living Spirituality, and the rare books which date back to the 15th century.
- Provide additional up-to-date printed and electronic resources to benefit St. Mike’s undergraduate and graduate students directly.
- Improve the physical space to make the library a more attractive, inviting and comfortable place to study.
Friend’s fundraising projects include an annual book sale. The well-being of St. Michael’s depends, in large part, on the well-being of the Kelly Library and the involvement and generosity of people like you. Once again, we invite you to become a member of what we believe will be a lively and enjoyable association of alumni, students, faculty, staff and others who share a love of books, libraries and St. Michael’s.
Executive Committee of the Friends of the John. M. Kelly Library, University of St. Michael’s College
Interested in volunteering with the Friends?
Please contact us at and we will be in touch!